Today woke up like the others at about 7:30. I laid in bed until Jason came back from taking a shower, then I went to do the same. We quickly packed up, loaded up the 4-Runner, and headed out of the KOA. We stopped by Denny's again on the way out. Kinda sad how the quality & price beat out so many other joints.

After eating we drove East along the Colorado River until we reached Onion Creek. We drove up the dirt road to the top. You cross the creek well over a dozen times going along this dirt road. Eventually we reached the top. We unloaded Jason's bike, and he started down. I followed in the 4-Runner, but at a much more leisurely pace. I stopped often to take some quick pictures out the windows. We planned a spot to get several shots of Jason crossing the creek while flying down the road. Some cool pictures there.

After he was finished with the ride we loaded up and headed home. Arrived home about 5:30, and was finally able to clean up properly.

And tonight I get to see Katie.

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