I had a great date last night. I doubled with Jason, and we used his season tickets to Rodgers Memorial Theatre to see The Music Man. They did a fantastic job, and the musical was tons of fun. After that we went to Chili's to get some dinner, and talk. After dinner we went our separate ways, and I went back to the theatre to take my date back to her car (blind date, so I'm always fine with that as they don't know if I'm psycho or not. &#59;)). We sat and talked for 45 minutes, until midnight, then we said goodnight. It was tons of fun, and I definitely hope to see her again.


Comment from: Steven Heumann [Visitor]
Steven Heumann

Sound like you guys had a great time.

Sat Aug 07, 2010 @ 15:58
Comment from: [Member]

Yeah, it really was.

Sat Aug 07, 2010 @ 21:11

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