Yesterday at about noon I got into my cycling gear, jumped on my road bike, and started heading up Little Cottonwood Canyon. Legs felt pretty good, but I ran out of water far too quickly. I got just about to where I turned around last time. So as soon as I finished it off I turned around and headed home.
After cleaning up I texted Jason to ask if he was doing anything. I jumped on the moto and cruised up there. I supervised as he remove the battery from his Raptor to find out the replacement was too big. Then we loaded up and went down to Wingers where I enjoyed a nice sticky finger salad. A little cool, a little spicy. I did have to augment it with additional sticky fingers. After dinner we chilled for a bit, watched some cycling, then after Amber went to bed we popped in Josie and the Pussycats. Yum!