Wow...  After months of planning and preparation, tomorrow is the day.  It came up super fast, making me start to get anxious.  Was I ready to leave the single life behind?  I think fortunately tonight my last bit of anxiousness has gone away.  We did a rehearsal, and it seemed like others were more panicked than us.  We were trying to be the calm ones. It was that fear of change that made me anxious. But now I don't think the change will affect me much. Definitely not for bad, only good change.

So, tomorrow is the day. I need to pack, and run back to the tux shop as my shirt is a bit small. Plenty to do tomorrow during my last hours as a bachelor. So when I post again... well I'll still be Mr. Johnson, but a different man. Hopefully we'll see you tomorrow!

1 comment

Comment from: Holly [Visitor]

Indeed. Huzzah!

Fri Mar 04, 2011 @ 23:43

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