In the Market

    Tue May 31, 2011 13:37

    Michael and I have started looking for a is tiring to say the least. We found one we liked and went to make an offer only to find that someone else had already made an offer. We discussed bidding higher, I wanted to go for it, and then got really, really sick to my stomach. Thankfully I have a great husband and we have a good realtor, and in the end we walked away from the house. Sad, because we really liked the house, but good because now I don't have to spend the rest of the day feeling sick.

    I have every confidence that we'll end up finding OUR house, even though right now I'm a little worried. :no:

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    1 comment

    Comment from: Holly [Visitor]

    You have my sympathy. You will find an amazing house!

    Thu Jun 02, 2011 @ 07:55

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