I travel for work, quite a bit actually, and this week was no exception. I went to Michigan, an area near Detroit and an area in the northern part of the state next to Lake Michgan, then ended up in the northeastern part of Indiana. It was cold. In fact on Thursday morning I got out to my car turned it on, and saw this:
Yep, there was a windchill factor of -20 too. I was not looking forward to the day. And although it was really, really cold it was also pretty...
The trip was made even better by the fact that I got a Kindle right before I left. (Thanks for the Christmas money Mom and Dad!) This thing is FANTASTIC! I love it. I read three books and played a scrabble like game during my flights (and I stayed up late one night reading the Goose Girl, because it was super good) and it only took up one little slim space in my bag.
It is so much easier to read than I ever expected, it's as restfull to your eyes as reading an actual page is. If you love reading, I highly recommend picking one up!